The Waves Section of PHY132S - 2009


The table below lists the syllabus and textbook references for the Waves section of PHY132.

Class Major Topics Textbook Reference More
1 - January 5

Introduction to PHY132
Begin Traveling Waves

§20.1 - §20.3
2 - January 7 Continue Traveling Waves §20.4 - §20.7
3 - January 12 Finish §20.7
Begin Chapter 21 - Superposition
Standing Waves
§21.1 - §21.3
4 - January 14 Finish Chapter 21
More about Standing Waves, Interference, Beats
§21.4 - §21.8
5 - January 19 Begin Chapter 22
The Double Slit for Light
§22.1 - §22.2
6 - January 21 Finish Chapter 22
Diffraction Gratings, Interferometers
Begin Chapter 23 - Ray Optics
§22.3, §22.6
7 - January 26 Continue Chapter 23
Reflection, Refraction
§23.2 - §23.5
8 - January 28 Finish Chapter 23: Lenses and more about Mirrors §23.6 - §23.8

Correlating 1st and 2nd editions of the text

This section is an attempt to point out major differences between the two editions of the text. Note that the Suggested Exercises and Problems for Practice for the 2nd edition of the text appear in pdf of the PowerPoint in which they were suggested.

Chapter 20

Section 20.1

Figure 20.2 from the 1st edition has been dropped in the 2nd edition

Sections 20.2 - 20.5, 20.7

Largely unchanged

Section 20.6

The 2nd edition has added a discussion of decibels.

Suggested Exercises and Problems for Practice

1st edition: 1, 25, 35, 39, 53, 69, 71, 79, 82

Chapter 21

This Chapter is largely identical in the two editions, except that in the 2nd edition Figure 21.14 has been expanded.

Suggested Exercises and Problems for Practice

1st edition: 7, 19, 25, 31, 49, 65, 71, 83 (skip part b, just use the result)

Chapter 22

These are largely identical with one exception. The 2nd edition has a sub-section of Section 22.6 dealing with the Michelson Interferometer; this discussion is missing from the 1st edition. We will be discussing this interferometer not only as part of the Waves section of the course but also in the Relativity section. Thus, I urge you to read about this device in the 2nd edition.

Suggested Exercises and Problems for Practice

Problems 3 and 29 from the 2nd edition do not appear in the 1st edition. Problems that do appear in the 1st edition are: 5, 34, 71

Chapter 23

Section 23.1

The discussion of magnification is dropped.

Section 23.4

The "derivation" of Snell's Law, which we sketched in in class, does not appear in the 1st edition

Section 23.5

What the 1st edition calls magnification M is called the lateral magnification m in the 2nd edition.

Section 23.8 - The Resolution of Optical Instruments

This Section in the 1st edition has been moved to Chapter 24 in the 2nd edition.

Section 23.8 - Image Formation with Spherical Mirrors

This Section in the 2nd edition does not exist in the 1st edition.

Suggested Exercises and Problems for Practice

22, 41, 51, 67, 75


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