Me - Feb, 2003 David M. Harrison
Senior Lecturer (Emeritus)
Department of Physics
University of Toronto

Computer assisted instruction
Cognitive issues in Physics education
Foundations of Physics

Telephone: (416)-978-2977
e-mail: david.harrison@utoronto.ca

Brief CV

Ph.D., Physics, University of Toronto (1972)
B.Sc., Physics, American University (1967)

Canadian Association of Physicists Gold Medal for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Physics (2012)
Dean's Excellence Award (2008)
Dean's Small Group Award (2008)
Dean's Excellence Award (2004)
Dean's Excellence Award (2002)
Dean's Excellence Award (1992)
Dean's Excellence Award (1991)
Ontario Conferederation of University Faculty Associations Award for Outstanding Contributions to University Teaching (1976)

Teaching Summer 2018

Some Recent Papers

Physics Virtual Bookshelf

Many of the above papers plus some course notes for a variety of courses, written both by me and by others are collected into a Physics Virtual Bookshelf which I maintain. The main index is at:


Some "Minor" Documents

Some Other Journal Publications

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