Here are today's clicker questions. |
About 50% of the class answered C: that I should have started and stopped the timing when the pendulum was at its maximum amplitude. This is not correct: starting the stopping when the pendulum swings through the vertical is the most precise way to do this measurement.
About 30% of the class answered correctly B: I should have counted "zero" when I started the watch. By starting the count with "one" is was actually measuring the time for 4 oscillations.
After Dr. Harlow's big hint, almost all of you answered this correctly.
About 60% of the class answered correctly with B: 0.05 s. This is the value that best accounts for the observed spread of values. Immediately after this question we calculated the standard deviation of the values and found it was 0.06 s.
Here is a pdf of the PowerPoint on the side screens. | |
And here is today's journal. |