Getting Started...
The main goal of the lab is to give you an appreciation of the power of experimental science in the development of our knowledge about the physical world. Specifically, on the way to this goal, the lab IS DESIGNED to help you develop skills to
solve practical problems and design intelligent experiments,
manipulate equipment and measuring instruments with grace,
keep complete records and analyze data efficiently and accurately,
distinguish between the essential and the non-essential,
display data in tabular and graphical form,
estimate uncertainties in experimental results,
ask the right questions and design and perform further experiments to answer them.
illustrate lecture material as this is a course in experimental techniques (However, some of the experiments involve topics presented in PHY110Y and PHY138Y.),
train you to follow instructions (Within a fairly well defined context you will be expected to create your own direction.),
test your memory. (You are encouraged to use the references listed in the guide sheets whenever appropriate.)