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2 MHz Sweep/Function Generator
Manufacturer: Wavetek
Model: 19
The generator is a precision source of sine, triangle, ramp, and pulse waveforms
plus DC output. A TTL/CMOS output is also provided.
The frequency range is 0.002 Hz to 2MHz selcted by a seven decade range multiplier
and calibrated vernier. Both the frequency vernier and the sweep input can
control up to 1000:1 frequency change within a selected range.
The generator output level is 20 Vp-p maximum from a 50 ohm source. The level
is set via a switched attenuator plus vernier with a total range of 50 dB. DC
offset is vernier adjustable over a ±10V range with center detent for
0V. A 9:1 symmetry range permits ramp and pulse waveforms to be produced.
Waveforms | sine, triangle, square, TTL pulse or DC OUT |
Frequency | 0.002 Hz to 2 MHz (7 ranges) |
| 2: 0.002 to 2 Hz |
| 20: 0.02 to 20 Hz |
| 200: 0.2 to 200Hz |
| 2k: 2 Hz to 2kHz |
| 20k: 20 Hz to 20 kHz |
| 200k: 200 Hz to 200 kHz |
| 2 M: 2 kHz to 2MHz |
Internal Sweep Generator |
Sweep Range | Up to 1000:1 within each range |
Sweep Rate | 30 ms to 15 s (typically 20 ms to 20 s) |
Sweep Mode | Linear or logarithmic. |
Amplitude Modulation |
Modulated by internal 400 Hz oscillator |
Precision (Display Accuracy) |
Frequency | ±5 digits on 2 kHz to 2MHz ranges |
| <= 1.5% of full scale on 2Hz to 200Hz ranges |
Amplitude | Typically 5% of range at 1kHz |
DX offset | Typically 2% of reading + 100 mV |
Resolution | 0.05% maximum on all ranges (1 part in 2000) |
Distortion | less than 1% on 200, 2k and 20k ranges (sine) |
| less than 1.5% on 20 and 200k ranges (sine) |
Output Impedence | Source of selected function at 50 ohm |
Peak Output | 100 mA maximum into 50 Ohm |
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Operating Instructions
- Setting generator frequency
- Use FREQUENCY RANGE BUTTONS to select the decade range in which your desired
frequency appears.
- Adjust the FREQUENCY VERNIER to the required target frequency.
- Observe the display readout and readjust the FREQUENCY VERNIER if necessary
until the display matches the target frequency.
- Selecting waveform and waveform symmetry
- Select a waveform using FUNCTION BUTTONS (sine, square, triangle)
- Skewness of waveform can be obtained by pressing the SYM BUTTON and then
adjusting the SYMMETRY control. Monitor the display.
- Selecting waveform amplitude and offset
- Adjust the AMPLITUDE control where the display reads twice the desired
waveform voltage (ie. a 2 Vp-p sine wave should have AMPLITUDE set to 4 Vp-p).
- Press the DISPLAY SELECT BUTTON to enable the "DC" units indicator. To
specify offset, adjust DC OFFSET until the display reads twice the desired offset.
- Operating Sweep Generator
- After setting FREQUENCY RANGE, pull the RATE and STOP controls out to turn on the
sweep generator to a LOG vs linear sweep.
- Press and hold SET START while adjusting the FREQUENCY DIAL to the
opening range frequency.
- Press and hold SET STOP while adjusting the FREQUENCY DIAL to the closing
range frequency.
- Connect SWEEP OUT to a frequency counter to set the waveform period (seconds)
- Connect MAIN OUT to the scope to observe the swept waveform.
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keywords: signal generator, frequency generator, triangle wave generator, sine wave generator, square wave generator, electrical source.
Document created June 13, 1996. Original author: Jeremy Bailin and Jaime Espinoza.