Generator is a source of precise sine, triangle and square waveforms. Frequency of the waveforms is manually and remotely variable from 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz.
The generator can repetitively sweep from one frequency to a higher frequency, with controllable rate and range of sweep. Amplitude of the waveforms is variable from 10V peak-to-peak into 50 ohm down to30 mV p-p. DC reference of the waveform can be offset positively and negatively.
Output Signals | Sine, triangle, square, TTL pulse, ramp and DC. |
Frequency Range | 0.1 Hz to 2 MHzm (7 ranges) |
X 1 (0.1 Hz to 2 Hz) | |
X 10 (0.1 Hz to 20 Hz) | |
X 100 (0.2 Hz to 200 Hz) | |
X 1K (2 Hz to 2 kHz) | |
X 10K (20 Hz to 20 kHz) | |
X 100K (200 Hz to 200 kHz) | |
X 1M (2 kHz to 2 MHz) | |
Main Output | HI (-30 dB) to LO (-50 dB) by amplitude control |
HI output | 20V peak-to-peak max open circuit |
(10V peak-to-peak max into 50 ohm load) | |
LO output | provides 1V peak-top-peak max into 50 ohm load) |
Output Impedence | 50 ohm |
DC Output/Offset | (as offset or Vdc output) |
HI output | ±10V max (±5V into 50 ohm load) |
LO output | ±1V max into 50 ohm load |
Waveform offset limited to ±10 Vp HI and ±1 Vp LO | |
GCV Output | 0 to +2V proportional to freq. of main generator |
Output impedence | 600 ohm |
Dial accuracy | ± 3% of full scale for 0.01 Hz to 200 kHz |
Sine Distortion | less than 0.5% on X 100, X1K, X 10K ranges |
less than 1.0% on X 1, X 10, X 100K range | |
Square wave | rise and fall time less than 75 ns |
Triangle | linearity greater than 99% to 200 kHz |
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