Self Defence

Every motion in the form of T'ai Chi Chuan has one or usually many self defence applications. Through practice, the motions become natural for the body and mind and therefore are automatically available if needed. Thus, implicitly, self defense instruction is occurring by teaching the form, and self defense is being learned by practicing the form.

Explicit instruction in self defense, then, involves the student learning and practicing the actual application of a move from the form, usually with a partner.

An additional technique is called push hands, and involves working with a partner to give and take internal energy in a natural effortless fashion.

The picture to the right shows Senior Students Chris Schiller and Eric Au Yeung doing a more advanced form of push hands called San Sao. The picture was taken in November 2002.

This document is Copyright © 1999, 2000 Philip Mo. This page was last updated (m/d/y) 11/22/02.