Thursday, 12 February 1998
Answer 1
(a) (i) The binding energy of a hydrogen atom is
where Qp is the proton charge, Qe is the electron charge, and mr is the reduced mass of the electron. (ii) For a proton-antiproton atom the binding energy is similarly
(b) The total angular momentum of an L=0 proton-antiproton atom is either J=0 or J=1, depending on whether the proton and antiproton spins or antiparallel or parallel. Pions have JP=0-, so if Lpp is the two-pion final state orbital angular momentum, then the parity of the final state is
A fermion has the opposite parity from their antifermion, so the L=0 proton-antiproton atom has parity
So Lpp=1 is required for any of the two boson decays, but p0p0 is not allowed because Bose-Einstein statistics prevents two identical spinless bosons from being in an antisymmetric state.
The C-parity of a particle-antiparticle system is obtained by looking at the wavefunction after turning the particle into an antiparticle and the antiparticle into a particle. If the spins of the particle and antiparticle are parallel (or zero), then charge conjugation and parity transformation are each equivalent to simply interchanging the two particles, so the C and P quantum numbers should be the same, i.e.
(More generally, from Lecture 12 we have C=(-1)L+S for a fermion-antifermion pair.) In this case we have Lpp=1 and L=0, so the proton-antiproton spins must be aligned so S=1 in the initial state and
The final state pions are spinless, so again C and P should be the same
So a p+p- final state is allowed.
Cfinal can also be worked out using C=(-1)L+S applied to the quarks inside the p+p- system. i.e. (p+)(p-) is a (up anti-down) (anti-up down) system. If we mathematically regroup the quarks as (up anti-up) (anti-down down), we can see that Cfinal = C(up anti-up) C(anti-down down) = (-1)Lu+Su(-1)Ld+Sd = (-1)Lu+Su+Ld+Sd. (Remember the C is a multiplicative quantum number.) Lu & Su are just the relative angular momentum and to total spin of the (up anti-up) pair, and similarly Ld & Sdare for the (down anti-down) pair. Since we are grouping together quarks in different pions, we don't necessarily know what the values of Lu, Su, Ld, & Sd are, but angular momentum conservation tells us that Lu+Su+Ld+Sd=L=1, so we have
as before.
(Note: This is essentially a proof that C=(-1)L+S is true for either bosons or fermions.)
Answer 2
(a) (a) If the deuteron did not have zero isospin, then one would expect it to have isospin partners. In particular, if it had isospin 1 (a possibility since it is made of two nucleons, each with I=1/2.), then one would expect pp and nn bound states as well. It is possible that the electrostatic repulsive force between the two protons might make the pp state unbound, but there is no obvious reason why an I=1 nn state should not exist if a I=1 pn state existed. (b) The total wave function is the product of the space, spin, and isospin parts:
The deuteron has spin 1, internal angular momentum mostly L=0, and parity -1 (see F&H Section 9.2). Since L = 0 yspace must be symmetric under interchange of the neutron and proton. Since spin and isospin are mathematically the same, if S=1 and I=1, then fspin and jisospin must have the same symmtry, so we would have Ytotal symmetric which would violate the generalized Pauli principle. Since I=0 and I=1 are the two possible states we can form from a neutron and a proton, if I=1 is not allowed, the deuteron isospin must be I=0.
(b) This should be a strong interaction since all the particles are hadrons, so isospin should be conserved. All the obvious quantum numbers (energy, electric charge, baryon number, ) are conserved in this interaction. All the particles have zero isospin, so since isospin is conserved by the strong interaction, one can explain the absence of the reaction if the neutral pion does not have isospin 0.
Answer 3
(a) As discussed at the top of F&H page 247, particles and antiparticles interact differentil in matter and hence have different cross sections(e.g. F&H Figures 5.29, 6.32 & 14.20). This means that their absorption cross sections, sabs, and absorption lengths (labs=1/nsabs, n is the target density) will be different. So neutral kaons and antikaon beams will be attenuated differently.
(b) A K20 is the symmetric equal mixture of kaon and antikaon given by F&H Eqn. 9.81. Since kaons and antikaons are attentuated differently, there will no longer be equal amounts of kaon and antikaon after the K02 beam passes through a slab of matter. If there are not equal amounts of kaon and antikaon, the the beam cannot be a pure K2 (or pure K1) beam, but must be a mixture of K2 and K1.
(c) The purity of
the K20 beam can be measured by measuring
the rate of two-pion decays is the same before and after passing
through the slab. (Note: I can't just say that the purity can
be measured by showing that there are no two-pion decays. Since
CP is violated, even a pure K02 beam may
have two-pion decays, althought the fraction will be very small
since CP violation is very small.)
Answer 4
(a) It does not occur through an hadronic decay because the mass difference (m(S0)-m(L0) = 1192.55-1115.63 = 76.92MeV) between the S0 and the L0 is less than a pion mass, and the pion is the lightest hadron.
(b) This is a 1/2+->1/2+ decay, so the photon angular momentum (see F&H Eqn. 10.79) is either 0 or 1, and the photon is carrying away even parity. j=0 is not possible, since the j=1 electric dipole term is the first term in the expansion (F&H Eqn. 10.59), and all other terms carry at least this much momentum. j=1 and p=+1 is an M1 transition (see F&H Eqn. 10.79) where the spin of the final state L0 is flipped compared to the initial S0.
The energy of the photon is 76.92 MeV. Extrapolating the M1 transition rate from F&H Fig. 10.10 into the crease of the book, we get a transition rate of about (1+1-0.5)1019s-1, corresponding to a lifetime of about (10+10-5)10-20s. The observed lifetime of the S0 is (7±0.7)10-20s, in good agreement with our estimate.