PHY357S: Wednesday, 26 February 1997

Problem Set 3

due Friday, 14 March 1997

These questions are based on the lectures and on Chapters 1-9 + Appendices of Frauenfelder and Henley.
If you have any questions about these problems, ask me - preferably before the evening of 13 March. You can contact me at, Room 919, or at 978-4993.

Each problem is of equal weight, but not all problems may be marked.

Problem 1

Frauenfelder & Henley Problem 7.14

Problem 2

(a) Frauenfelder & Henley Problem 9.15.
(Note: There is a typo in some editions of the text: it should not read "… given in Figs 7.1 and 9.6 …". Instead, I would say that Figures 7.2, 9.1, 9.4, and 9.6 may contain relevant information. An additional hint is that the weak interaction is a point interaction and any final state orbital angular momentum is usually the minimum possible.)

(b) Frauenfelder & Henley Problem 9.22.

Problem 3

Frauenfelder & Henley Problem 12.3