PHY357S: Monday, 6 January 1997
The Fermilab Tevatron superconducting
synchrotron is currently the world's highest energy particle accelerator.
Assume the synchrotron has radius of 1 km, a maximum dipole magnetic
field of 3.3T, and enough rf cavities to accelerate protons by
1 MeV per orbit. (a) What is the maximum
momentum to which a proton could be accelerated in the Tevatron?
(b) What is the maximum momentum to which an electron could
be accelerated?
(a) Like germanium or silicon, carbon in the form of diamond
is also a semiconductor, so it is possible to build diamond particle detectors.
The energy needed to produce an ion pair in diamond is W=5eV.
Estimate the energy resolution of a diamond semiconductor detector
for 100 KeV x-rays. (b) Diamonds are a bit expensive for
large detectors; cheaper and denser materials are usually used.
Estimate how many metres thick a detector made from iron would
need to be to completely absorb a 24 GeV electron? (i.e. How
thick must it be so the electron shower dies within the detector.)
(c) How thick an iron detector is needed to stop a 24 GeV
Consider the following interaction observed by University of Toronto physicists working on the ZEUS experiment at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg, Germany.
In this interaction a 29 GeV/c electron collides head-on with an 800 GeV/c proton, producing an electron, a positive muon, a negative muon, and a bunch of other stuff (denoted X). The vector momentum (in GeV/c) of the intial electron and proton are (0,0,-29) and (0,0,800) GeV/c; the vector momenta of the final state e-, µ+ and µ- are (0,-5,26), (20,3,55), and (10,1,55) respectively.
(a) What is the centre-of-mass energy, Ecm, of the collision?
(b) Is the µ+ µ- pair consistant with being produced by the decay of a meson? (Asume the uncertainty on the µ+ µ-mass is 10%.) Is the pair consistent with being produced by the decay of any other known subatomic particle listed in Tables A3, A4, or A5 of Frauenfelder and Henley?
(c) What is the total invariant mass of the bunch of other
stuff, X?