About the Final Examination

News flash! The tutors have organised a review session for the Final Exam:

The Final Examination will the be of the same format as the Test, but longer. It will be a 3 hour examination.

It consists of 15 "short answer" questions worth 4 marks each, for a total of 60 marks. You will also choose two topics out of five in the "long answer" section, each of which be marked out of 20 for a total of 40 marks.

There is a slight emphasis on material we have discussed in class since the test.

The exam will be on Thursday, May 2, from 9AM to 12 noon. It will be held at CG150. Building "CG" is the Canadiana Gallery, 14 Queen's Park Crescent. This building is somewhat obscure, and is located just North of Med. Sci. complex.

This page last revised 04/15/02 (m/d/y).