Time Reversal (tÆ-t)

A wavefunction cannot be in an eigenstate of T, because T is an antiunitary operator which changes functions to their complex conjugate. e.g. if

y = ei(p·x-Et)

then (using Tp =- p)

Ty = ei(-p·x+Et)

= y*

One can easily see that the eigenvalue equation

Ty = ly

has no solutions for any complex eigenvalue l= reiq.

This does not mean T may not be a symmetry of the Hamiltonian. It just means the wavefunctions cannot be eigenstates.

Probabilities and expectation values are unchanged if T is a symmetry. e.g. For a free particle wave function

T(y*y) = y y* = y*y

This may not be true for interactions if complex matrices are involved.

Time reversal can be tested in several ways, for example, consider a two body reaction involving initial state spinless particles a & b, and final state spinless particles c & d:

a(pa) + b(pb) Æ c(pc) + d(pd)

Under time reversal we get

c(-pc) + d(-pd) Æ a(-pa) + b(-pb)

and applying parity we have

c(pc) + d(pd) Æ a(pa) + b(pb)

So PT symmetry would imply that the rate for the reaction a+b Æc+d should be the same as the rate for the reaction c+d Æa+b. This is the principal of detailed balance.