ERRTST: Computer test on Error Analysis
You will be using error analysis throughout your whole university physics career, starting from your first lab, and if you continue your life in any scientific discipline, error analysis will continue to play an important role. As an aid to you, to test your understanding of errors, as a small part of our evaluation of your work and also to introduce you to the lab computer, you are required to do a exercise in error analysis which is done on the lab computer. You may take this test at any time that you can gain access to a terminal -- with the exception of those times during which regular labs are in session. (Note that ERRTST is not available by remote-modem-login)
If you wish credit for your mark on ERRTST, you must complete the assignment by the posted due dates. After that date, you are free to try the exercise on the computer, but it will not be credited to your mark. The test consists of four questions to be done in 45 minutes.
You are permitted a maximum of four attempts at the test. After the first
attempt, the computer will ask you if you wish the test to count in your
mark. If you type " no " then the first attempt will be ignored. (This
gives you a chance to become accustomed to being tested by a computer).
Each attempt at the test is averaged with your previously accumulated mark
to produce a new mark.
Make sure you do ERRTST by the appropriate deadline!! Absolutely no
extensions will be granted. Please don't wait until the day of your
deadline to do ERRTST you'll be confronted by huge lineups if you do!