Current Lecture Notes
Experimental Subatomic Experiments
Lecture 2 - Subatomic Experiments
Lecture 4 - Particle Detector Physics
Lecture 5 - Particle Detectors (e.g. Germanium Spectrometer)
Lecture 6 - Collider Particle Detectors
Lecture 7 - Particle Structure
Lecture 8 - Scattering and Structure
Conservation Laws
Lecture 9 - Why doesn't everything decay right away?
Lecture 10 - Energy, Spin, Baryon & Lepton Number
Lecture 12 - Charge Conjugation and CP, Antiparticles and T
Lecture 13 - Symmetries, Gauge Invariance
Lecture 14 - Electromagnetism and Feynman diagrams
Lecture 16 - Electron-positron annihilation into hadrons
Lecture 17 - Wave Optical Model of Scattering and Unitarity
Lecture 19 - Weak Interactions and Beta Decays
Lecture 20 - Weak Generation Mixing
Lecture 21 - Electroweak Unification
Lecture 22 - Strong Interactions, Quarks and Hadrons
Lectures 23 & 24 - Quarks, Gluons, Potentials
Lectures 25 - Strings, Hadronic and Nuclear Masses
Last years's lecture notes: 1997 Lecture Notes