Advanced Physics Laboratory
- 1.Laue back reflection of X-rays.
- This looks at crystal planes in a single crystal using a technique
involving constructive interference of X-rays. While a background in crystal
physics is helpful it is not a requirement.
- 2.X-ray fluorescence.
- X-ray induced fluorescence provides a rapid non-destructive means for both
qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis. A wide range of elements (Na-U)
can be analyzed at the ppm level with minimal sample preparation.
- 3.Powder method of X-ray analysis.
- The Powder or Debye-Sherrer method is the standard method for obtaining
crystal lattice spacings. You may acquire background as you go if you have no
background in crystal physics. This experiment can give lattice parameters to
about four figure accuracy.
- 4.SQUID Magnetometer.
- Various magnetic compounds will be measured. The characteristic temperature
dependences of a variety of magnetic phases will be studied (i.e.
superconductor, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic).
- 5.Optical pumping.
- Circularly polarized light from a Rb lamp is used to "pump" Rb
vapour into a specific mF level. Isotopic abundance ratios and the g-factor for
each level may be calculated.
- 6.Absorption spectrum of HCl.
- The basic ideas of the quantum mechanics of simple molecules are covered in
this experiment. The rotation-vibrational structure of gaseous HCl is measured
with an infrared spectrometer. The bond length and bond strength are then
determined by comparing results to predictions based on quantized energy levels
and quantum selection rules.
- 7.Raman effect.
- Scattering of mercury light by benzene and carbon tetrachloride is studied.
The lines due to mercury are found to be accompanied by "satellite"
lines due to scattering from non-ground state molecules. The frequencies of
these lines give information on the structure of the scattering molecule.
- 8.Brillouin scattering.
- Intense laser light is scattered from sound waves in liquids. The scattered
light is examined at 90 degrees for possible effects of velocity dispersion.
- 9.He-Ne laser.
- This experiment explores the polarization, spatial and temporal coherence
of the output of a He-Ne laser, as well as the basic conditions for laser
- 10.Fourier transform spectroscopy.
- The purpose of this experiment is to give the student a physical feeling
for Fourier transforms. The interference pattern from a Michelson interferometer
is investigated as a function of mirror separation in the interferometer. The
resulting interferogram is the Fourier transform of the power spectrum of the
source. Computer analysis of experimental interferograms allows one to determine
the transmission characteristics of several interference filters.
- 12.Electron microscope.
- Crystal structures and magnetic properties of materials are studied using
an electron microscope and employing electron diffraction techniques.
- 13.High Tc superconductors.
- In late 1986 and early 1987 a revolution in superconductor technology
occurred with the discovery of materials which are superconducting at
temperatures above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. Students manufacture
from basic ingredients their own superconductor and then investigate its
physical properties.
- 14.Mossbauer effect.
- The recoilless emission of nuclear photons is used to study the hyperfine
nuclear structure of 57Fe and some solid state features of crystalline Fe.
- 15.Electron spin resonance.
- This experiment has two purposes: first, to familiarize the student with
the generation and transmission of microwave signals; and second, to measure the
magnetic moment of the electron.
- 16.Helicons in metals.
- This experiment uses a particular form of a circularly polarized e.m. wave
transmitted through indium of high purity to give values of the Hall coefficient
and resistivity in a novel way. The emphasis is as much on a study of the wave
motion as on the properties of indium.
- 17.Magnetization and transition temperatures of
- This experiment measures the magnetization of type I and type II
superconductors as a function of temperature and magnetic field.
- 18.Scanning Tunnelling Microscope.
- Various surfaces are studied with the STM, up to atomic resolution.
Several samples are available to study a variety of surface science effects.
Quantum tunnelling is at the heart of this device and can be verified
- 19.Electrical resistivity at low temperatures.
- This experiment looks at the temperature dependence of the electrical
resistivity of three metals which have very different temperature dependencies
at low temperatures: a normal conductor, a superconductor and a Kondo alloy.
- 20.Semiconductor resistance, band gap and Hall effect.
- This experiment studies the properties of n and p type semiconductors.
Among the measurable quantities are the mobilities, Hall coefficients, and their
temperature dependencies.
- 23.Nuclear magnetic resonance.
- This experiment involves a determination of the gyromagnetic ratio of the
proton and an investigation of spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation times.
- 24.Aperiodic structures and localization.
- Under development. Available as a project for experienced students.
- 26.Measurement of the Compton total cross section.
- Measurements are made to study the total cross section(s) for Compton
scattering of gamma-rays by materials of various values of Z.
- 28.Mass spectrometer.
- Although usually thought of as a device for measuring isotopic abundances,
here the mass spectrometer is used to study the appearance potential and
ionization cross section for electrons incident on inert gasses.
- 30.Gamma ray spectroscopy with a germanium detector.
- The use and calibration of hyperpure germanium crystals as solid state
ionization chambers are studied. Gamma ray spectra are very accurately analyzed
at high resolution. A variety of measurements are possible.
- 32.Drift Chamber.
- Under development. There may be projects available into the term, see Prof.
D.C. Bailey.
- 34.High energy physics.
- Photographs of 10 GeV bubble chamber events are studied in which strange
particle creation and decay are evident. Careful measurement of vector momentum
makes it possible to set upper limits on the unobservable missing tracks.
- 35.Muon lifetime.
- Several cosmic ray muons are stopped each minute in a large volume of
scintillator. By studying the spectrum of time delays between muon entry into
the scintillator and muon decay, the half life can be measured.
- 38.Fibre optics.
- Measurements of numerical aperture and attenuation in glass fibres is made.
Optical beams from different sources, both modulated by audio signals, are
multiplexed onto a single optical fibre. The optical beams are later
demultiplexed and the audio signals extracted.